Hmmm, Naughty or Nice?

Dear Secret Santa, I wanted to take a minute to provide you with an honest assessment of my behavior this year so that you could make a fully informed decision regarding my suitability to receive gifts.  I decided that since I blogged fairly consistently in 2011,...

A Little of This and A Little of That

It’s Secret Santa time in Blogland again and I’m excited!  Many thanks to Pserendipity for organizing.  My  Secret Santa from last year DID THE DANG THING!  Thanks again Gorgeous Puddin’!! I should feel shamed that it’s been a year and I...

Wise Words for the Week

I have a neice who lives in the DC area and she is a high school senior.  One of her many extracurricular activities, is singing on her school’s concert choir.  As the choir prepares for several big events this holiday season, the director sends home a sheet of...

Everybody’s Gotta Work

Cynthia, is that you girl????  Well, alright now. I’d never heard of Woman Within, but apparently they sell plus size clothing and somehow I ended up on their mailing list.  They must be like a second step cousin to Lane Bryant or Ashley Stewart.  Never one to...


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