Get Thee Some Grammar Immediately

Good to know that I’m not alone in my annoyance of bad grammar, poor proofreading and terrible syntax.  I found a series of posters that I think say it best.  Four of my favorites, in no particular order.  Enjoy the Friday...

Whose Water Debt Is This?

A friend shared the document below with me and I couldn’t contain my laughter, followed by irritation.  Really Baltimore??? I kept scratching my head trying to make sense of it.  I had way more questions that I had answers. Let me first give you a little...

Protection for Fools and Babies

What do you call that moment when you realize you’ve made a silly mistake? I’m not talking about traffic accidents and such, rather things of the mundane variety. Like when you receive an email from a group of coworkers and you reply to one friend while...


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