Every summer, my federal agency is amongst the many places that recruits and accepts a crop of college and high school students for internships.  A small part of my job here is to assist with the program, and since I’m in the director’s office, I normally get to know more than just their names.   And since ya girl is so friendly and approachable, they often seek me out to pour out their life stories.  I smile accordingly and dole out what nuggets of wisdom I’ve collected over the last 34 years.  Most are good kids and I actually enjoy talking to them a bit.

These students are amongst the best and brightest that our nations colleges and universities have to offer.  The average GPA of our summer class is 3.8.  Well rounded kids who’ve been active with sports teams, educational clubs and in volunteerism.  They are our future, right?

As I was walking from my car this morning, I was behind two such students.  One male, one female.  One from the South, and one from the North.  Both from prestigious institutions – one HBCU and one PWI.   Check out the conversation that I witnessed:

Smart Girl:  Wait. Which building are we going to?

Smart Guy:  F, I think.  Ms. Jackson told us Building F and that email said Building F.

**they continue walking toward Building B**

Smart Girl:  That sign says Building B is this way.  I guess F must be close.

Smart Guy:  I guess.  It didn’t look real far on that map they showed us.

**they continue walking toward Building B and decide to NOT consult the map in Smart Guy’s hand**

Smart Girl:  Didn’t they say it was like a 5 minute walk from the parking lot?

Smart Guy:  Yeah, and we’ve been walking for like, I don’t know.  Maybe 10?

**they continue walking toward Building B and decide to NOT look at the large, mounted campus map they pass**



Smart Girl:  Maybe we should ask somebody?

Smart Guy:  They probably all lost too.  **they both snicker in unison**

Smart Girl:  I bet that dang building don’t even have our ID cards ready when we get there.

Smart Guy:  Hmph!  They better.  All this walking we doing.

Smart Girl:  For real!  Let’s ask somebody.  Call Smart Guy #2.  He got his last week.

**Smart Guy pulls out phone and instead of calling program coordinator, he calls Smart Guy #2.  After a brief conversation, he hangs up**

Smart Guy:  He said it’s near the D building, where the cafeteria is.

**deep sigh from Smart Girl**

Smart Girl:  Dang, that’s the other direction.  Come on, let’s go.

**They make a hard right; a 90 degree turn and begin heading in a different direction**

What direction you ask?  Toward buildings C, D and E, and AWAY from building F.

Come on son!!  Are you kidding me???  You were verbally given the location in a meeting, and provided the location in an email, complete with a color coded map.   You brought the map with you, but refuse to consult it.  You walked by all the “You are Here” signs/maps strategically placed on campus to help your azz!  Then you decide to call another brilliant idiot who is as clueless as you and your walking buddy.  Really??????

I guess since it was Monday morning I felt some kinda evil, cause I sure didn’t stop ’em to correct their silly tails.   How about those rocket scientists showed up over an hour later after NEVER HAVING FOUND THE RIGHT BUILDING?????

The children are the future, aren’t they?  My faith in this crop is not strong.


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